Oh my, haha okay well, I know I've already dedicated one of my blogs to Joe.. but I want to dedicate another to him tonight :-), and just so all of you know, I think that I will be writing a lot more about him in the near future. Just another warning, I'm going to try to stay on the topic at hand, but I know that I'm going to end up gushing about him more lol...I guess that's why this is my blog, not yours =P haha but I atleast hope you enjoy reading about my (possible) romance in the making.
Anyways, the topic is hockey players. Yupp, that's right, you guessed it, this topic was inspired by Joe! lol As you know I'm a figure skater, so when I found out that Joe used to play hockey (and at my home-rink) awhile ago, I was really impressed. Have you noticed, that a couple of celebrities have shyed away from wedding other celebrities? Carrie Underwood and Hilary Duff both married hockey players! I think that the reason why these celebrities are shying away from each other and going for less fameous, yet still somewhat well-known people is because they are a lot more humble and down to earth. They don't have the idea in their head that "Everyone loves me!" You know what I mean? I think these two women are going to have troubles in their marriage, yes. But, I think they will have long marriages, if not everlasting. I think that they've held out a long time, there were times when they could have gave in and gone with the wrong person without realizing it. But they were smart and didn't settle in the slightest. Good for them :-) I apraise these intelligent, remarkably talented women in their decision to wed such humble men. They really seem to have a good head on both of their shoulders.
Okay XD haha now it is time for me to gush a little about Joe before I go to bed. Joe is absolutely amazing. I know it sounds crazy for me to be talking about him like this when just days ago I was writing about how stupid and pointless and impossible love seems to be. Well...I'm a hypocrit, but I kind of just can't help it. And you know what? If I end up getting hurt by Joe, I'll probably go back to thinking the way I did before. No, I don't love him. But I think that I could love him, if we had enough time to let the relationship grow to that point. He asked me out the other night, and I said yes, but I told him that I wanted to have more time just getting to know him a little better before we went out on a date. My parents are very strict when it comes to dating, and I explained all their rules and junk, and he totally understood because his parents are the same way too. He has an older sister and he said that if she were dating, they'd be that way with her too. He's really sweet and understanding, and I just appreciate the time he takes to start a deep conversation to get to know the real me, and know my thoughts and feelings. I feel like he really does care what's on my mind. It's nice to like a guy who respects me and doesn't just want me for my body, because honestly, I'm a Chrsitian, and I'm not going to have sex until marriage. It's kind of hard to have that kind of self restraint, but he's a Christian too. And if he's "the one" (which it's going to take me a long time to figure out if he is), then he'll be willing to wait too. Not that I don't want to, just because I feel like it's the right decision for us in particular.
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