Ok to start things off, yesterday was by far the best day of my life. Joe and I went out, we went ice skating. I ran into a couple of my students and said hi to them. He and I skated around that rink for two hours straight and just talked the whole time. It felt like 10 minutes went by and then we had to get off. We skated around the rink and just talked about everything under the sun. Our favorite's, parents, when the last time he played hockey, his basketball and baseball team, my cheerleading, my students, everything. He mentioned that he wanted to kiss me but that he was too nervous to. So we skated around a couple of times and he finally did. It was quick, and just a peck on my lips lol but it was really sweet, so about a half hour later I told him it was my turn to kiss him so I pulled him in and wrapped my arms around his neck and he leaned down (because I could never reach his lips if he didn't lean for me) and I started to kiss him, he started to pull back after the first time our lips touched, thinking that I was done like he was the first time. The first time he only touched my lips once, he later told me it was because he was so nervous. But I didn't do that to him, I had a little more confidence, which he later said he loved because he wanted to kiss me more, he just didnt have the confidence to do it. So anyways, as he was pulling away, thinkning I was done, I pulled him back and gave him a long, slow kiss before letting go and taking his hand back in mine. We skated awhile longer, until it was time for us to go. My parents came to pick me up and he said goodbye to them, I walked him back to his car and he asked me for a goodbye kiss, which we both later agreed was the best kiss of all. By then, he had gotten used to kissing me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped mine around his neck. He leaned down and pulled me as close as I possibly could to him and he kissed me long and soft, we were both breathing heavily so I took a break to kiss his neck a little and went back to kissing his lips slowly, then he kissed my neck...and then we both had to go. We hated saying goodbye, but we had to. So anyways, that was the most perfect first date I've ever had with a guy. Joe is absolutely amazing, and I wouldn't ever trade him for anything in the world. Well, I have to say, I've become quite the contradiction to my blog title, "Cupid's Nemesis". I kind of think that I am no longer cupid's nemesis....I mean, I could be again one day. But it doesn't seem fitting for me anymore thanks to Joe. Maybe I'll change the name of my blog...does anyone have any ideas for a title? If you do, leave me comments! I LOVE to read all of your comments!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
There's Nothing Like a First Kiss
Ok to start things off, yesterday was by far the best day of my life. Joe and I went out, we went ice skating. I ran into a couple of my students and said hi to them. He and I skated around that rink for two hours straight and just talked the whole time. It felt like 10 minutes went by and then we had to get off. We skated around the rink and just talked about everything under the sun. Our favorite's, parents, when the last time he played hockey, his basketball and baseball team, my cheerleading, my students, everything. He mentioned that he wanted to kiss me but that he was too nervous to. So we skated around a couple of times and he finally did. It was quick, and just a peck on my lips lol but it was really sweet, so about a half hour later I told him it was my turn to kiss him so I pulled him in and wrapped my arms around his neck and he leaned down (because I could never reach his lips if he didn't lean for me) and I started to kiss him, he started to pull back after the first time our lips touched, thinking that I was done like he was the first time. The first time he only touched my lips once, he later told me it was because he was so nervous. But I didn't do that to him, I had a little more confidence, which he later said he loved because he wanted to kiss me more, he just didnt have the confidence to do it. So anyways, as he was pulling away, thinkning I was done, I pulled him back and gave him a long, slow kiss before letting go and taking his hand back in mine. We skated awhile longer, until it was time for us to go. My parents came to pick me up and he said goodbye to them, I walked him back to his car and he asked me for a goodbye kiss, which we both later agreed was the best kiss of all. By then, he had gotten used to kissing me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped mine around his neck. He leaned down and pulled me as close as I possibly could to him and he kissed me long and soft, we were both breathing heavily so I took a break to kiss his neck a little and went back to kissing his lips slowly, then he kissed my neck...and then we both had to go. We hated saying goodbye, but we had to. So anyways, that was the most perfect first date I've ever had with a guy. Joe is absolutely amazing, and I wouldn't ever trade him for anything in the world. Well, I have to say, I've become quite the contradiction to my blog title, "Cupid's Nemesis". I kind of think that I am no longer cupid's nemesis....I mean, I could be again one day. But it doesn't seem fitting for me anymore thanks to Joe. Maybe I'll change the name of my blog...does anyone have any ideas for a title? If you do, leave me comments! I LOVE to read all of your comments!
Monday, January 17, 2011
His Love is a Drug and I'm an Addict
I know I just blogged like 6 hours ago...but I need to write some more, just to get all my feelings out. And you know what? Odds are I'm probably going to write another blog in a little bit again. Haha.
Okay, sooo...Joe just talked to me and explained that he has a game on Saturday. So we had to reschedule. I'm just hopeing and praying that I'll be able to get a ride for Sunday. I really like Joe. He's outstanding, honestly I have never been so happy with someone in my entire life. I think I could really love him one day. I want so badly to be with him all the time, and we haven't even gone out yet. His love is drug and I'm addicted. I can't get enough of him, and that's what scares me. If things don't work out between us, I'm terrified of the pain I'll have to withstand if we have a fight or if he leaves me.
What's Running Through His Mind
Haha okay, next time, think before you have sex! If you ever wonder what's going on in his mind during sex, this video will pretty much sum it up for you ;-P lol It's hilarious. But if I ever have sex with my boyfriend (YES!!! JOE AND I GOT TOGETHER!!), this had better not be running through his mind.
Life is like a Basketball Game
Life is like a basketball game. Every point you get counts as a little bit of fulfillment that you have in your life. We're all in this game. People have divided up into two teams, when we could actually all be on the same team; we could work to help eachother out, rather than be against one another. I guess sometimes...we just can't help it. We feel the need to go against one another. Is it rebellion? Is it indifference? Could it be because we're programmed to have problems in our lives and do our best to face them the right way, in our own way? I believe that these questions are left for us to answer, no one but yourself can answer them correctly when speaking about your own life.
Okay, so in a basketball game there are Cheerleaders. Don't get me wrong, I am a Cheerleader myself, so if you are one or if you are friends with one, I'm not talking about actual Cheerleaders. In my theoretic basketball game of life, Cheerleaders stand for the sluts, whores, bitches, and the (evil) popular crowds. Lets face it, you know that when I just described that, several people probably came to mind. We all know those kinds of people. Haha well, think of it this way, Cheerleaders aren't part of the game, yes they contribute but they're not actually playing the game. As long as they stay a cheerleader, they won't be part of the game. When they graduate, they become part of this huge game called life. But not much has prepared them for reality. They've never been part of a team, they've never depended on other people. They don't know what to do. They may have been so high and mighty in high school, but what will they do now that they're in college or looking for a job or taking care of their baby that they had when they were 16?
Having others to depend on is important. Without a good support system, you're going to have a really rough time finding sucess in anything. Goodluck to those who aren't close to their families and who argue with their friends a lot. I wish you all the best.
Paris and the Catacombs
Right now I am reading a book called "Revolution" by Jennifer Donnelly. It's about this girl who's brother died. She blames herself for his death, when it isn't even her fault. She's an alcoholic, she does drugs and she's suicidal. Well her father left her mom, who's insane. Her mom doesn't talk, or atleast does all she can to say the least words possible. All her mom does all day is paint potraites of Truman, her brother. When her father comes home to check on her and her mom, he sees the condition the two of them are in and takes the girl with him to Paris, leaving her mother at a mental facility for a few months. The girl is an incredible musician, but her father doesn't take her ambitions seriously. While she's in Paris, she has to write her Senior Thesis in order to graduate. Well, while she's in Paris, she finds this 200 year old guitar in it's original case. Later, she finds out that the case has a false bottom and within it is a diary of a girl who experienced the fall of Paris. It's an incredible book! I can't wait to finnish it! Well, while the girl is in Paris, she goes undergroud to visit the catacombes. So I thought to maybe show you a pic of how the catacombs look. To my surprise, I learned that there are over 6 million bodies representing 30 generations of Parisians! See, over 200 years ago, in Paris, so many people were dieing of the plague, and of being neglected by their king. There were so many dead bodies that there wasn't enough space for them in graveyards, and the decomposing bodies were making the survivors ill. So, the king sent his people to collect the bodies as well as dig up bodies from all the cemetaries, and put them in the catacombs. Today, the catacombs are part of a modern day tourist trap. If you have any interest in any of this, feel free to write comments. I love love love comments, but I hardly ever get any, just hypes (not that I don't appreciate those!). Anyways, thanks for reading! I'll be writing again tomorrow.
My letter to Dove Chocolate
Dear Dove,
I want to thank you for all that you have done for me. You have always been there for me through thick and thin. When my 16'th birthday came along last month, you were there for me to indulge in. Although you gave me zits that lasted for over two weeks, I'm able to overlook that. When my first boyfriend left me you were there for me to splurge and give into my weakness of comfort food. As tears ran down my face, I couldn't help but think to myself, "Damn, this is good chocolate!" And it made me feel so much better until I gained a few break up pounds which I had to later work off. Dove, you have always been here for me. I hope that you'll still be around when I graduate, when I'm pregnant and craving you, when my children are driving me so freakin insane that you're all I have to turn to. I hope to see in you my dreams, and when I die and go to heaven, I believe that you'll be waiting there for me. Thank you, Dove...I love you.
Hailey <3
My Dream Wedding!!
Okay, I've done it :-) lol I have created my dream wedding and I'm about to share it all with you. So here it goes... this is my wedding engagement and wedding rings. (The ring I want is the one on the bottom in the first picture...yes the one with the huge sparkly rock lol) 

The next picture is of my wedding dress :-) It's gorgeous!! I just hope I'll be able to find it, or one like it by the time I'm ready to get married.

The next picture is of my wedding dress :-) It's gorgeous!! I just hope I'll be able to find it, or one like it by the time I'm ready to get married.
This is the way I want to have my hair done (since I'm a blonde, I think it will look good). It's sort of a traditional curly bun but with larger, beautiful ringlets. Since my dress will be lacy...I kind of want to add some little rhinestones to put in the bun so it stands out a little more.
These will be my bouquet that I will carry when I walk down the aisle! They're gorgeous, when I found these, I just thought to myself (same as the dress) these are "the ones". I also love the little flower thingys that just draws the eye. Those are a must have!!
Haha okay, first off, I have a miniature dashchund. I got her when I was twelve, and I've loved her ever since. Hopefull she'll be alive by the time I get married. If she is, I want her to be my ring bearer, even if she isn't a boy. If she isn't alive still, I will have another dashchund as a pet, and it will be the ring bearer. Maybe people will think it's weird, maybe it's untraditional, but you know what? Hehe, that's the beauty of it! It will be special to me because it's my wedding, and having my dog be the ring bearer means a lot, because my dog is like family to me, and it means so much.
The Brides Maides' Dresses!! Okay, I've decided that the Brides Maides will wear the longer dresses, and the Maides of Honor will wear the shorter ones. (I have two best friends, so I'm going to end up having two maides of honor). I think the black color, and the cut is gorgeous and very flattering. They could always use their dress for another formal function, especially since it isn't a hideously bright bubblegum color or something along those lines.
These flowers will be what my Bride's Maids will carry when they walk down the aisle before I come out. I think they're really pretty, and since their dresses will be dark, this bouquet will brighten their outfit a little more.
The Reception! Doesn't this look beautiful?!!! I love the bamboo chaires and small, bubble, twinkly lights above. The reception will take place outside in a huge tent. There will be incredible floral embellishments like so in the picure. And guests will obviously have assigned seating. I'll have an amazing tiramisu wedding cake that will look just like this as well! My mom is actually training to be a pastry chef, so she might be able to make it for my wedding. That would mean a lot to her, and also save my parents a lot of money on paying someone else for the cake.
The Honeymoon!! When my parents where married, my mom's parents sent her and my on a honeymoon in Orlando, Florida to The Grand Floridian in Disney World. I wish to have my honeymoon there as well. We'll stay at the honeymoon suite. There are two outdoor pools, as well as a hottub. There is a monerail that runs beside the hotel that will take you straight to the Magic Kingdom. The hotel is beachfront so you can rent boats, tan, etc.
So now, I have my wedding planned out, lol now the issue is finding the right groom. Will it be Joseph? Maybe it won't work out with him, will it be someone else? Someone right in front of me, or someone I haven't even met yet? I guess time will tell :-) but I have faith that I will eventually find the right person for me. I'll never settle, as my parents always taught me. And I hope for all of you, that you'll never settle either. Trust me, you'll regret it. To all the dreamers out there, I pray that you'll get to have your fairy tale wedding with the person you love most!
So now, I have my wedding planned out, lol now the issue is finding the right groom. Will it be Joseph? Maybe it won't work out with him, will it be someone else? Someone right in front of me, or someone I haven't even met yet? I guess time will tell :-) but I have faith that I will eventually find the right person for me. I'll never settle, as my parents always taught me. And I hope for all of you, that you'll never settle either. Trust me, you'll regret it. To all the dreamers out there, I pray that you'll get to have your fairy tale wedding with the person you love most!
Victoria's Secret
Have you ever wondered why women pay so much for something from Victoria's Secret, that they could easily get for less than half the price somewhere else? I mean they have so many options! And honestly, the quality of panties, bras or lingerie is just as good at Walmart, Pennies, Kohls, Macy's, etc. So what's so great about Victoria's Secret clothing if you can get the same thing almost anywhere else? I think the answer lyes in the advertisement. As Gretchen Wilson says, I'll still look sexy as those models on TV wearing something off a Walmart shelf half price. With names like "Angels", "Bombshells", "The Miracle Bra", maybe it could hype the sales a little more. But let's look into it a little deeper, once more, think about the advertisement. What about the models? This franchise hires models with acceptional bodies, so that customers will see them and think to themselves, "Wow, if I buy this bra, my boobs will look like that?!". Now that my friends, is how the Victoria's Secret franchise is still in play today. So if any of you are looking to become investors, put your money on a business that has the same idea as VS. Maybe you'll become a millionaire! 
Hockey Players!!
Oh my, haha okay well, I know I've already dedicated one of my blogs to Joe.. but I want to dedicate another to him tonight :-), and just so all of you know, I think that I will be writing a lot more about him in the near future. Just another warning, I'm going to try to stay on the topic at hand, but I know that I'm going to end up gushing about him more lol...I guess that's why this is my blog, not yours =P haha but I atleast hope you enjoy reading about my (possible) romance in the making.
Anyways, the topic is hockey players. Yupp, that's right, you guessed it, this topic was inspired by Joe! lol As you know I'm a figure skater, so when I found out that Joe used to play hockey (and at my home-rink) awhile ago, I was really impressed. Have you noticed, that a couple of celebrities have shyed away from wedding other celebrities? Carrie Underwood and Hilary Duff both married hockey players! I think that the reason why these celebrities are shying away from each other and going for less fameous, yet still somewhat well-known people is because they are a lot more humble and down to earth. They don't have the idea in their head that "Everyone loves me!" You know what I mean? I think these two women are going to have troubles in their marriage, yes. But, I think they will have long marriages, if not everlasting. I think that they've held out a long time, there were times when they could have gave in and gone with the wrong person without realizing it. But they were smart and didn't settle in the slightest. Good for them :-) I apraise these intelligent, remarkably talented women in their decision to wed such humble men. They really seem to have a good head on both of their shoulders.
Okay XD haha now it is time for me to gush a little about Joe before I go to bed. Joe is absolutely amazing. I know it sounds crazy for me to be talking about him like this when just days ago I was writing about how stupid and pointless and impossible love seems to be. Well...I'm a hypocrit, but I kind of just can't help it. And you know what? If I end up getting hurt by Joe, I'll probably go back to thinking the way I did before. No, I don't love him. But I think that I could love him, if we had enough time to let the relationship grow to that point. He asked me out the other night, and I said yes, but I told him that I wanted to have more time just getting to know him a little better before we went out on a date. My parents are very strict when it comes to dating, and I explained all their rules and junk, and he totally understood because his parents are the same way too. He has an older sister and he said that if she were dating, they'd be that way with her too. He's really sweet and understanding, and I just appreciate the time he takes to start a deep conversation to get to know the real me, and know my thoughts and feelings. I feel like he really does care what's on my mind. It's nice to like a guy who respects me and doesn't just want me for my body, because honestly, I'm a Chrsitian, and I'm not going to have sex until marriage. It's kind of hard to have that kind of self restraint, but he's a Christian too. And if he's "the one" (which it's going to take me a long time to figure out if he is), then he'll be willing to wait too. Not that I don't want to, just because I feel like it's the right decision for us in particular.
Joseph :-)
There's this guy at my school who plays basketball named Joseph (aka Joe). Well, I've been told by one of my friends that he thinks I'm cute, and another friend told me he likes me. He's really cute actually. Well, he's cute when he's not covered in sweat from running around the court so much haha. Another one of my friends got me his number so I could text him and get to know him a little better, since I didn't even know who he was until someone told me he likes me. So I texted him earlier tonight and he seems great! He's really nice, so easy to talk to, and he kept the conversation flowing easily the whole time (we talked for about 2 and half hours lol). I think if I got to know him better, I could like him back... and I'm really hopeing that this time, I won't have to be the one to make the first move. Because I'm warning y'all right now haha I refuse to make the first move this time. I've always done that with guys, because almost all the guys I've dated have been shy and I'm sick of making the first move. He's gonna have to do it this time. Plus, it'll prove to me how much I actually mean to him...eventually(not yet, obviously). He seems great, definitely my type, as I've been told by my friends. I can't wait to talk to him more, possibly tomorrow. :-) Wish me luck!!
Love Like Woe
Isn't that girl creative?!! Either it takes and artist, music/computer/photography guru, or both to make something like this! It's really impressive. lol But her facial expression throughout the whole song makes me laugh. It never changes, and she still has this goofy smirk the whole time.
Have you ever felt like you're so in love that you're just like, "Woe!" Haha, well as hard as it may be for some of the people who read my blogs, I once was like that. I thought that I was madly, deeply in love with my first boyfriend. Needless to say, things didn't work out the way that I had planned, nor the way that he had led me to believe things would work out. Since then, my entire outlook on life and love has changed. Sometimes I think that it's for the better. Because, a lot of the time, I think to myself, what would have happened if my eyes hadn't eventually been opened to the truth? Would I still be with my ex? Would he still have feelings for me? Would I still want him after the things that he had done to me? The answer seems pretty clear to me... no, none of it would have changed. My ex would have still gone and be the typical asshole he's always been, and I wouldn't have done anything differently. I feel like the decisions I had made that got me to where I am now, were good ones. I'll admit, I haven't made too many good decisions in the past..ahh about two years. But I'm kind of attempting to turn my lifestyle around a bit. Just to get things back on track. I'm not going to allow myself to be pushed around by a guy ever, ever again. If and when I find a good guy, settle down, get married, and have kids, if I have a daughter, I'll never let her be pushed around by guys the way I was last year. I'll stand my ground and fucking kick the guy's ass whom tries to push my kid around. ;-) But trust me, he'll have a fair warning wayyy before he even has the opportunity to do such a thing.
Getting back to the video above... this is my new favorite song, as of now. Yes, it will probably change to something else in the next couple of weeks/months, but for now this is my favorite song. I think the best part of it is when in the chorus, they say "Loved so strong, then you moved on, now I'm hung up in suspense, because you're bringing me in and then you're kicking me out again"
Haha, well, I hope I've struck some people's attention with this blog! I'm really hopeing that some of you guys can relate to what I write about, or are atleast interested in the topics I choose. I'm trying to embellish! lol My life is rarely dull. I'll be blogging again tomorrow, nighty night!!
Have you ever felt like you're so in love that you're just like, "Woe!" Haha, well as hard as it may be for some of the people who read my blogs, I once was like that. I thought that I was madly, deeply in love with my first boyfriend. Needless to say, things didn't work out the way that I had planned, nor the way that he had led me to believe things would work out. Since then, my entire outlook on life and love has changed. Sometimes I think that it's for the better. Because, a lot of the time, I think to myself, what would have happened if my eyes hadn't eventually been opened to the truth? Would I still be with my ex? Would he still have feelings for me? Would I still want him after the things that he had done to me? The answer seems pretty clear to me... no, none of it would have changed. My ex would have still gone and be the typical asshole he's always been, and I wouldn't have done anything differently. I feel like the decisions I had made that got me to where I am now, were good ones. I'll admit, I haven't made too many good decisions in the past..ahh about two years. But I'm kind of attempting to turn my lifestyle around a bit. Just to get things back on track. I'm not going to allow myself to be pushed around by a guy ever, ever again. If and when I find a good guy, settle down, get married, and have kids, if I have a daughter, I'll never let her be pushed around by guys the way I was last year. I'll stand my ground and fucking kick the guy's ass whom tries to push my kid around. ;-) But trust me, he'll have a fair warning wayyy before he even has the opportunity to do such a thing.
Getting back to the video above... this is my new favorite song, as of now. Yes, it will probably change to something else in the next couple of weeks/months, but for now this is my favorite song. I think the best part of it is when in the chorus, they say "Loved so strong, then you moved on, now I'm hung up in suspense, because you're bringing me in and then you're kicking me out again"
Haha, well, I hope I've struck some people's attention with this blog! I'm really hopeing that some of you guys can relate to what I write about, or are atleast interested in the topics I choose. I'm trying to embellish! lol My life is rarely dull. I'll be blogging again tomorrow, nighty night!!
Merry Christmas to all!!!
Heyy!!! I love you guys soooo much! Merry Christmas Eve to all of you!! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!! An d I hope you get everything that was on your list! lol Goodnight!
P.S. Sorry, I haven't been on in awhile. I've been really busy doing last minite Christmas shopping lately (I hate shopping). I'll write more tomorrow or the next day. It depends on how crazy Christmas will be tomorrow....nevertheless, I'll write soon!! Miss you guys!
P.S. Sorry, I haven't been on in awhile. I've been really busy doing last minite Christmas shopping lately (I hate shopping). I'll write more tomorrow or the next day. It depends on how crazy Christmas will be tomorrow....nevertheless, I'll write soon!! Miss you guys!
Networking Sites
Haha so how many of you have a Facebook? How about a myyearbook? Twitter? Myspace? lol That's what I thought, y'all are obsessed with this kind of stuff! Ok so I've had a myyearbook for a few years, it's a lot of fun! I've met some great people! And..just a few days ago I got a Twitter account. And just minutes ago I got a myspace and facebook account. So I want to keep in touch with you guys! Add me on whatever you have please! If you have more than one of these networking accounts, add me on as many of them as you have. Please tell me that you know...you come from piczo...lol you read my blog, that kind of thing. Feel free to email me on here anytime! If any of you have any ideas for a topic you'd like me to write a blog on, please tell me!
Here's how to find me on any of these networking sites!
Facebook: cupidsnemesis94@yahoo.com
Twitter: cupidsnemesis
MySpace: Hailey Hollister
Myyearbook: Hailey Hollister
Hate My Life
Ever feel like you hate your life sometimes? I feel this way all the time!
Loveing Death vs. Forbidden Love
I know that you're probably thinking "For someone who is so cynical when it comes to love, she sure does write about it a lot." Well, you're right to think that. I am not a romantic at all, but love is something that I often find myself thinking about. Will I ever find it? Is there such a thing as love, or is love but a figment of momentary bliss with which we find ourselves trusting and believing in whole-heartedly? I suppose I won't truly know the answers to these questions until I find the "one". Again, that is, if there is such a thing.
You've seen all the romantic shit they have on the big screen, but have you caught yourself wishing it could be that easy to fall in love in real life? Love doesn't just come overnight. It takes time to build, it takes years of searching and not finding what you're looking for. In order to find love, you must live with disappointment. In the movie "Love Story", Oliver and Jennifer meet in college, they date for awhile before getting married. The newlyweds attempt to have a child and later find out that Jennifer is suddenly dying. My favorite quote from this movie is "Love means never having to say you're sorry." However, I disagree with this quote. I think that love means knowing when to put aside your pride and apologizing with all your heart when necessary.
"What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet."-As quoted by Shakespeare. If you're as captivated by Shakespeare's plays as I am, and have studied his work, you know what this quote means. Basically what he's saying is "What do names matter? If we called a rose something else, it would still smell just as sweet." And by this, he means that no matter what your title or last name is, it doesn't change who you are as an individual. Forbidden love always seems so much more passionate (epecially when interpreted by Shakespeare). I think it has to do with the fact that both people know they're not allowed to be togehter. It somehow excites the relationship and makes the couple desperate to make it work. More often than not, it doesn't work out. But while things lasted, they most-likely couldn't have gone better as far as romance goes. So, loveing death or forbidden love? I'd have to say, out of these two choices, forbidden love sounds more appealing. Loseing the one I love would be too much for me. In fact, when and if I find the "one", I will demand to die first, and it will be of natural causes when we are both much, much older.
3-Dimensional Chalk Art
Check this out!! These guys draw all of this amazing art on public sidewalks! Isn't that incredible? I wish I could be that good at drawing or painting. Most of my art consists of stickfigures, lol and bad ones at that. My mom is an artist, she used to sell her artwork to galleries in Virginia when she was younger. My dad is a lot of things...he builds stuff, he's a contractor...and he does graphic design. So I come from two parents who have artistic ability. I do have artistic ability, but mine isn't shown on a peice of canvas. Mine is shown through the performing arts. And as you know already, I'm a figure skater. I always have been one, performing in front of people has always been my thing. I love to feel the spotlight beaming down on me, and hear the audience applaude after I've performed. Actually there's going to be a Christmas show this Saturday that I will be skating in, as well as two of my own students. Wish me luck. :-) And I hope you enjoyed seeing these amazing pictures!
Thank You! :-)
I'm going to write two blogs today, so this isn't the only one. I just wanted to thank everyone who has been hyping, commenting, and following my blogs and messaging me :'-) lol. I really appreciate it! I almost gave up on having a blog...kind of thought that no one cared about what I have to say. Thank you everyone soooo much! I love you guys with all my heart! Please, keep leaving comments, I love hearing what you have to say!
Heart Destruction

Okay, to start things off, take a look at the header of my blog. "Cupid's Nemesis", see it? I am cupid's nemesis. Love is never on my side. I don't WANT to be single, but that's the only way to keep from being hurt! And even if you are single...you can still get hurt. See, I think it's great being single because you can flirt and mingle with whomever you want without pissing someone off. It's fantastic! But being single isn't always so upbeat and fun...it can really be a drag sometime. I had a really bad day today... the guy I like...my best friend, well, I did something to make him mad at me. I didn't do it on purpose, I had a reason why..so he's still mad at me, and he won't return my texts. I feel like I'm going freakin insane! And then after school, I had skating practice and I fell a hurt my knee really bad. Ugh! And then when I got home my sister and I had a huge fight. So...right now I just want to crawl into a corner and cry myself to sleep. Actually sleep sounds pretty good, considering morning would come sooner and I could apologize to his face tomorrow at school. Why is everyone else allowed to have love, except me? It isn't fair. Don't tell me I haven't found the right person yet, I've come across soooo many guys...it NEVER works out. Watch, as soon as I find the right guy, he'll die like Jack did in the movie "The Titanic". My first boyfriend was amazing, until he left me for another girl whome he has plans to marry as soon as he graduates from college in three years. My best friend, he's a great guy...and I really need to talk to him. I'm praying that he'll text me back tonight...but I doubt it. And I doubt I'll be able to get any sleep either. I'm sorry, I'm just venting a lot! If you've read this much of my blog so far, you must really like my blogs...or pointless rambleing about boys...Thanks for reading, I'll write about something more interesting than my love life/heart destruction tomorrow.
Hott Hollister Models
Haha okay...I'm not sure if it's just me, but I have never had as much fun while wearing Hollister clothes as these models are! I wish they were advertising what a good time you'll have if you buy these clothes from Hollister. You know what I mean? Like they'll guaruntee a hott shirtless male Hollister model with every purchase of at least $50? Oh my, I'd spend $200 if that meant I could take home four of those models and all the clothes I can buy with $200..now THAT would be a good time! Haha come on girls, how many of you wouldn't love to date one of the hot male Hollister models?! Don't deny it!
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